Whenever I'm with my friends, they tell me the first thing they noticed about me was my hair. Not gonna lie, my hair is my absolute pride and joy! When I was younger my Mom thought it would be 'cute' to give me and my sister matching bobs that curled around our ears. I get a lot of questions on how I grew my hair so long is such a short period of time (18 inches in 3 years with regular trimming) so I figured I'd share my haircare routine with you all!
I completley forgot to take any photos of my hair for the purpose of this post. So I've thrown together a few photos I had sitting in files (mainly from when I've had my hair cut, coloured or styled and my friends wanted to see photos) As you can see I almost never wear it straight, my hairs naturally really wavy so within 5 minutes of straightening the front has already curled naturally, it's just pointless damaging of my hair.
It's always important to change up your shampoo and conditioner, just like you would with skincare. A recent favourite of mine is the Daniel Galvin Jr range which can be pretty difficult to source, although Waitrose always stocks it. It has a love it or hate it lavender scents and leaves hair with that 'squeaky clean' feeling! I featured this in my favourites,
you can read more about it here!
I picked this up along with the shampoo just for the hell of it. It's a pretty normal conditioner, slightly better than Tresemme's alternatives and I wouldn't rate it as highly as their shampoo but nonetheless it has a nice smell, leaves the hair soft and light, and definitely improves the texture of hair when compared with using no conditioner at all.

This is a fairly recent purchase. I picked it up after seeing adverts on tv, I was planning on purchasing one of the Body Shop's Beautifying Oils but opted for this instead. I'm lead to believe it's formulated for coloured hair, however I can't see it hurting my hair for not being coloured. The oil doesn't add a great deal of shine, but a lovely soft and tangle free texture which is a rareity with wavy, curly hair. I find this oil different to most, the scent is subtle, it leaves the hair feeling weightless rather than heavy and most of all doesn't give that common greasy appearance you see when using some hair oils. I featured this in a favourites post,
click here to see!

I'll be honest, I'm really not fussy when it comes to heat protecant, for a long while I didn't even bother using it. I generally just switch between Tresemme and Schwarzkopf, although prefer the scent of this one. To me it doesn't add the nicest texture to my hair, although I'd rather put this on than frazzle the only thing that makes me get up in a morning (bit extreme). It makes my hair feel a bit 'weighty' which I'm not really a fan of.
Dry shampoo for most people is only used when you can't be bothered washing your hair, for me it's a dry shampoo, plumper, texturizer and finishing product all in one! I love the 'fluffy' 'swishy' look as I think it looks great with wavy hair, this is absolutely essential for that look! You actually don't understand how enthusiastic I'm feeling sat here writing this, face like a Cheshire cat I tell you! I'd dieeeee if I didn't have this in my life, I use it every single day! I should probably mention the fact I've tried every single dry shampoo on the market (I'm that obsessed) and I'd say the best are probably Batiste 'Cherry' in 3rd place, Tresemme 'green-one' (?!) in 2nd place and Batiste 'Blush' in 1st place.
On top of specialized hair products, I've also taken multiple supliments for years (because of an existing medical condition, not purely for vanity or general welbeing) including Evening Primrose Oil, Vitamin B, Zinc, Iron and some other stuff (I forget) which probably has had some effect on hair growth and condition.
What are your favourite products for healthy, happy hair?