I've been reading Rachael's blog for months, and always enjoy the posts she puts up because it always seems like she's put so much effort into her posts! When Rachael asked for guest bloggers, I jumped to the chance because I wanted to be part of her blog! My name is Alexandra, and you can find me at www.the-astyle.blogspot.ca To me, having long healthy hair has been something I've always wanted but was never able to tend to my hair properly. Ever since I cut my hair back in February, I've been taking extra care, and I think I've finally found the routine to ensure I have healthy hair and that it grows instead of always breaking off!
1. L'Oréal - EverCrème Shampoo & Conditionner
I've used the same shampoo almost all my life, and felt like it just didn't do anything for my hair so before summer started, I went on the hunt for a new shampoo, and conditioner. The EverCrème collection caught my eye, because of the fact that it is sulfate free, paraben free, and 100% vegan. The coconut-vanilla scent is just perfect to help me relax when I am in the shower. I've really been impressed by how it has kept the moisture locked in my hair ever since I started using it. My hair feels very soft whenever I use it!
2. L'Oréal - Deep Nourishing Masque & Macadamia Oil - Deep Repair Masque
The L'Oréal, and Macadamia Oil mask have helped me a lot, and are my two current favorite hair masks. They smell amazing, work fast, and always leave my hair feeling nourished, and soft! Even if my hair isn't looking dull, and I haven't used heat on it, I try to use a masque at least once a week, because my hair always looks and feels great after using it!
3. Macadamia Oil - No Tangle & Healing Oil Infused Comb
I have the worst hair possible once it is wet, because it gets knotted so quickly, which then results in me trying to brush my hair for at least 10 minutes. The No Tangle spray has been a lifesaver for me. Whenever I use it, brushing my hair becomes the easiest task, brings my hair extra nutrient, and since brushing becomes so much easier, my hair doesn't break off. I also try to comb my hair whenever they are wet, because it is so much easier, and is another way for me to prevent breakage. Now I don't really know if the comb has helped bring nutrient to my hair, but I know that when I use it, my hair pulls less, and gets the job done quickly!
4. Organix - Argan Oil Penetrating Oil & Lush - R&B Butter
This is my favorite part of my hair routine. I find that hair oil, and hair butter is that one product that gives me instant result whenever I use them. I like applying it in the morning before I leave my house to the ends of my hair to make sure the weather doesn't dry it up. The smell of these products is so perfect, and I quite enjoy the fact that it lingers on my hair throughout the day!
5. Hair Ties
The last step to my hair care routine might seem odd, but I find that whenever I use hair ties in my hair, my hair thanks me for it. I find that hair elastics pull too much, and my hair also gets knotted into them resulting in so much breakage. The hair ties are thick enough to hold my hair but never leave a crease in it. It also helps that they come in so many different colors, and patterns!
All of these products have helped my hair grow longer, and make sure that it doesn't dry, and break. I am quite happy with the routine that I keeping up at the moment but am always on a lookout for new products!
What do you think of my hair care routine? Which product do you like using to make sure your hair looks healthy?
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