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Wednesday, 2 January 2013

January 2013 In Photos!

NYE outfit / my Birthday Cake! / snowwwwww / casually doing the Peter Rabbit dance while taking blog photos / my dilemma / the collection is growing! / untouched snow / neon nails <3 / believe it or not theres hills somewhere underneath all that / snow day / yes I am still wearing Christmas pjs in January / aw pretty / birthday lipstick / ... / cute card / BEST PRESENT EVER / I think she got it wrong... / blog photo outakes / pretty snow / yet again monging out while trying to take blog photos

I kid you not all 20 photos could easily have been me weirding-out while attempting to take blog photos, every. bloody. time. Anyways this month was pretty interesting with NY and my 16th birthday involved. I barely took any NY photos purely because I spent most of it parting / recovering / partying / recovering (I think you get the jist!) My birthday celebrations go underway next week so you'll probs see those in my feb photos. Thank you all so much for the Birthday wishes, unfortunately I didn't get a snow day *sigh*

I hope you all had a wonderful start to 2013!

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