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Saturday, 5 January 2013

My 12 Favourite Bloggers Of 2012

I'm embracing the '12 for 12' as you've probably already noticed. I write one post then come up with an idea for another, annoying! You probably already know I enjoy sharing the love on Blogger, I know how hard it is to be noticed and I'm actually so so fortunate that I have over 500 followers and it didn't take me long to get there, but I know it's not the same for some. Below are my 12 favourite Bloggers from 2012, bare in mind I follow 289 blogs to this day so I'm only allowed to choose less than 5% of the blogs I follow, a super difficult decision to make! Please don't be upset or annoyed if you're not featured and I've told you in the past I loved your blog, I still love you, promise!;)

See the 'Inspiration' tab for more of my favourites!
Who are your favourite bloggers of 2012?


  1. Awww thankyou for including me in this, that's so nice :-) I really need to do a post like this, I love finding out others' favourite blogs and would love to share mine. Congratulations on the success of your lovely blog!

    Jessica xo

  2. Thank you for mentioning me! :)

  3. Omg thanks so so much for including me!! Xxxx

  4. Oooh, this is lovely. <3 I haven't actually heard of any of those blogs... so that makes a really nice change so I will have to check them out!

    Lizzums x

  5. Anonymous9.1.13

    awh wow thank you lovely! xxxx

  6. Thank-you so much! This is really sweet of you! xxxx


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I try to reply as much as possible!